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Жизнерадостный еж, улыбающийся на фото, покорил пользователей Instagram

Instagram питомца ведет его владелица, она надеется, что снимки ежа сделают людей более счастливыми
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Немка Талита Гирнус прославилась благодаря фотографиям своего питомца. Она завела ежа, назвала его Херби и начала активно постить его фото в Instagram.

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Herbee’s face when I told him he’s getting a cat sister Which one do you like best 1-5?

Публикация от The World’s Cutest Adventurers (@mr.pokee) 31 Авг 2019 в 9:26 PDT

Как пишет "Лента", это не первое домашнее животное, которого Талита Гирнус активно снимает. Ранее в этом же аккаунте она выкладывала фотографии другого ежика по кличке Мистер Поки. Но он скончался, тогда в семье женщины появился другой еж, который продолжил дело предшественника.

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My handful of sunshine ️ . I never thought that another hedgehog could make its way into my heart again, but this one definitely managed Thank you, Herbee, for the joy you bring me every single day!! . It’s a common thing to think that after our pet leaves us, we’re unable to love another one. We tell ourselves that it’s “wrong” to adopt another pet and we punish ourselves. But I wonder why! I mean, no pet would ever want to see or make their human sad! The truth is that pets are here to help us and make us feel so much better and happier. And Herbee helped me through one of the toughest times of my life. I’m so happy that I listened to and never doubted my intuition to take him in. . Ps. I believe this also applies to people we love – not just pets.

Публикация от The World’s Cutest Adventurers (@mr.pokee) 24 Авг 2019 в 9:25 PDT

Кроме ежа в объектив Талиты также попадаются ее котенок и пес. Она признается, что животные делают ее невероятно счастливой и она хотела бы, что бы и другие, глядя на их веселые мордочки улыбались и радовались жизни.

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To all the dogs I’ve loved before #nationaldogday

Публикация от The World’s Cutest Adventurers (@mr.pokee) 26 Авг 2019 в 10:02 PDT

Кстати, пост, выложенный дамой 14 сентября, где ее еж снят на фоне гор в Италии, собрал более 85 тыс. лайков и около 500 комментариев.

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“Do you remember where we first met?“ *Advert/Werbung . The @kaptenandson team recently asked me how Pokee and I first met. I told them the whole story and because they liked it so much, I thought I should be telling it to you guys as well . So, let me tell you the whole story from the very beginning. When I was younger I always wanted a pet of my very own. I mean, my family had cats and dogs, but I always knew that as soon as I moved out, I would have my very own pet . One day a friend sent me a GIF of a hedgehog that was getting belly rubs and slowly stretched out it’s little arms and legs. At that very moment I knew that I wanted a hedgehog as a pet. But I didn't know that you can keep hedgehogs as pets, because European wild hedgehogs are protected by nature and can't be kept as pets. So, I started researching on the same day and found a breeder for African Pygmy hedgehogs very close to me. I opened the page and Pokee’s little face popped up. The description said, "especially trusting" and at that moment I knew exactly that i would do everything to keep this little hedgehog. I did research all night and gathered info on what I needed to make this possible. When everything was set, I went on my way to the breeder . Do you know that feeling when the world stands still for a few seconds? That's how it was when I first held pokee in my hands. He was very calm and lay flat on my hand as if he wanted to tell me that he belonged right there #lovestory #dreamteam #bekapten #kaptenandson

Публикация от The World’s Cutest Adventurers (@mr.pokee) 18 Фев 2019 в 9:28 PST

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